Privacy policy

Mythen privacy policy

Privacy notice

At Mythen Re Ltd., protecting the privacy and confidentiality of information about our customers is very important to us. While information is the cornerstone of our ability to provide superior insurance products, our most important asset is your trust.

This privacy policy includes examples of the types of nonpublic personal information we collect and the kinds of companies with whom we may share such information. You are not required to do anything in response to this notice. This notice is merely to inform you about how we collect, safeguard, and share your information. This policy also applies to our affiliates.

Information we collect

We know that you expect us to conduct and process your business efficiently, and accurately. To do so, we gather information about you that is pertinent to the underwriting and insurance process, such as:

Personal information:
  1. Your name, address, telephone number, email address, [social security number, age, Taxpayer Identification Number], as well as any other information provided on your request for information and application for insurance coverage, which information includes other responses and disclosures garnered from our web application.
  2. Prior insurance coverage, claims history, premiums, and payment history, as well as any other information gathered from you as our insured, such as how long you have been our insured, your payment history, and what type of coverage you have.
Non-Personal information:
  • Information regarding locations and premises in which you may have an insured interest.
  • Information provided from our service and other providers.
  • Information from public records and data collection agencies.

Information we may disclose

We do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about our customers or former customers to anyone other than our affiliates, which include Mythen Holdings Ltd., except for information that we may be required by law or requested by a regulator to disclose (for example, among others, to comply with a subpoena or a court order).

We also may disclose information in order to provide customer service or administer your account. For example, we may use another party to perform services for us, such as providing customer assistance, insurance broking, handling claims, protecting against fraud, and maintaining or developing software for us. We also may disclose information in response to requests from law enforcement agencies or state insurance authorities, and as otherwise permitted by applicable law.


To safeguard your nonpublic personal information, we limit access to our customers' nonpublic personal information to only those employees who need access to the information to perform their job functions.

Additionally, we insist that the distributors and other companies that perform services for us limit access to your personal information to authorized employees, and agents, and maintain appropriate administrative, physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards.

Revisions to our privacy policies

If we revise our procedures relating to this privacy notice, we will provide notice of this change to you.

How to contact us with any questions

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:

Mythen Insurance Company

Phone: +1-212-456-7890


Bermuda Mail: Mythen Re Ltd. 48 ParLaVille Road, Suite 1547, Hamilton, HM 11, Bermuda

Privacy Policy

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